Written by Labak Janet
Image: Ninnojackjr

Looking down below from high up above, I see a solitary being gazing down below.
“What a rare sight,” I think to myself.
“Come to think of it, a very unnatural occurrence. Where are all those creatures that look like him? ” I mutter.
Well, who knows. For the first time in decades, I am reminded of my beautiful color. I had forgotten that it was once a light shade of blue with sprinkles of fluffy white.

“Mates, look down there,” I shriek.
“One of those creatures alone again today. What do you think could be going on, hah? I never see the massive noisy groups any more. Well, let’s enjoy it while it lasts. Who knows for how long our regained freedom will be. ”
Spreading my wings in the now clear sky, I am at peace. For the first time in decades, I am reminded of my spectacular voice. I had forgotten that it was so melodious. Chirp, chirp, chirp!

“Hey you on the other side of the fence. Yes, you with the thing covering your face. Are you even able to hear me? Can you catch me up on what is going on? I no longer hear the noisy honks of those iron contraptions. Not even the loud squeals of the rubber tyres on the roads. No more of those huge amounts of dust flying through the air, and landing on my beautiful leaves.”
For the first time in decades, I am reminded of my amazing color. I had forgotten that it was a brilliant green.
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This writing is part of my collaboration with various writers, to use images as writing prompts to generate creative and thoughtful pieces of work. view more here
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